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Production and Sales for alternative energy vehicles increase more than 200% from January to September in China

China Automobile Industry Association (CAIA) released production and sales data of the automobile industry in September on October 13th.

Compared with August, the data in September has a rapid growth, with slower year-on-year decline of production and a small growth of sales. For the aggregate data from January to September, production has a slight decline and sales maintains flat, compared with the same period in last year.

The maintenance of high-growth of alternative energy vehicle production and sales is a highlight in the Chinese automobile market.

According to the CAIA data, the alternative energy vehicle has a production number of 28,324 and sales number of 28,092 in September, increasing 2.1 and 2.2 times respectively compared with the previous year. Battery electric vehicle has a production number of 20,365 and sales number of 19,228 in September, increasing 2.7 and 2.9 times respectively compared with the previous year. Plug-in hybrid electric vehiclehas a production number of 7,959 and sales number of 8,864 in September, increasing1.1and 1.3 times respectively compared with the previous year.

The alternative energy vehicle has a production number of 144,284 and sales number of 136,733fromJanuary to September, increasing 2.0 and 2.3 times respectively compared with the same period in previous year. Battery electric vehicle has a production number of 93,032 and sales number of 87,531from January to September, increasing 2.0 and 2.7 times respectively compared with the same period in previous year. Plug-in hybrid electric vehiclehas a production number of 51,252 and sales number of 49,202from January to September, increasing 1.9 and 1.8 times respectively compared with the same period in previous year.
