In the first four months, China imported 378,000 tons of synthetic rubber, keeping flat with last year.
Following is China's rubber import in the first four months:
At the same time, China exported 57,000 tons of synthetic rubber, year-on-year increasing 15%.
Following is China's rubber export in the first four months:
In the first four months, there were 20,000 tons of compound rubber imported, yearly decreasing 31%. And there were 65,000 tons of synthetic rubber latex (SBR)imported, yearly surging 20%.
China imported 156,000 tons of natural rubber latex, yearly decreasing 21%;467,000 tons of natural rubber, yearly increasing 2%. Meanwhilr, China imported 1,074,000 tons of natural rubber and synthetic rubber in all, yearly increasing 5%.
Following is SBR,BR,CR and EPDM import in the first four months of 2020: